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Learn2Learn Lite - bite sized approach to improving your success in learning
Introducing Learn2Learn Lite
Welcome (2:04)
Getting ready - Grounding Meditation (7:18)
Downloadable workbooks
Brain Health Module: Session 1 - Support Networks
Support Networks (2:31)
Inner Support (1:11)
Brain Health Module: Session 2 - External Support Network
External Support Networks (1:11)
Brain Health Module: Session 3 - Self Talk
Making a choice (7:17)
Stereotyped self talk
Brain Health Module: Session 4 - Personal Self Talk
Projected Self Talk (1:18)
Strategies and actions
Brain Health Module: Session 5 - Self Care
Personalising Self Care (1:05)
Brain Health Module: Session 6 - Whole of self approach
Investing in your success
Whole of self approach (1:11)
Future Me Module: Session 1 - Purpose and Passion
Clarity: Mapping likes and dislikes (2:42)
Future Me Module: Session 2 - What if... exploring alternatives
What if.. this is not for me? (2:30)
Future Me Module: Session 3 - Careers as a Journey
Which way? (1:03)
Career insights and perspectives
Rethinking Study Module: Session 1 - Explore
Step into Curiosity (2:08)
Rethinking Study Module: Session 2 - Strategies
3 strategies to enhance learning
3 mindset shifts for success
Rethinking Study Module: Session 3 - Memory
Engaging with our brain
Specific strategies to enhance learning
Learning MY way Module: Session 1 - My learning preferences
Learning styles and preferences (1:12)
Learning MY way Module: Session 2 - Impact of behavioural preferences on learning
More on Learning Preferences
Learning MY way Module: Session 3 - Planning space and strategy
Learning environments
Learning MY way Module: Session 4 - Planning for success
Planning and procrastination (1:28)
Learning MY way Module: Session 5 - Participation my way
Getting involved (1:11)
Learning MY way Module: Session 6 - Getting ready for assessments
Who, What, How, Why
Team Work Module: Session 1 - Group work
The Groupwork "elephant in the room" (5:22)
Team Work Module: Session 2 - Group/Team projects
Project approach to teams
TeamWork Module: Session 3 - Creating your Network
Networks - Perhaps not what you think...
Finishing up. (0:40)
Downloadable workbooks
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